Dear Parents/Carers

Year 9 End of Term and Assessments

We have reached the end of our first half term, with our ‘new normal’ systems and procedures in place.  Our students on the whole have responded very well and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support with this.  The positive start and approach to school has been reflected in our ClassCharts data for Year 9.  Since starting school in September, students have been awarded over 12,000 positive points and on average the cohort is achieving 91% positive to negative ratio for their behaviour.  This is a fantastic achievement and one I am very keen to continue into the next half term.  As a year group our target is 95%, which I know we can achieve.

Staff are extremely complimentary about our Year 9 students and it is clear they enjoy teaching the year group and appreciate the enthusiasm which students show towards their studies.  I have been able to pop into lessons on a few occasions to see them working hard, engaged and focused in their option lessons. The quality of the work I have seen has been superb and this has been really pleasing to see this half term.  It is a really good start to their foundation year.

As we enter into autumn term 2, I wanted to inform you about the assessment weeks that will be taking place for Year 9. This is so that we can fully support students to do their very best during this period of time.

The assessment period will take place from the week beginning Monday 16 November 2020 and will end Friday 27 November 2020.  All assessments will take place during lessons with their teachers at a set date and will be based around content that students have covered during lockdown and since we started back at school in September.  All work should be available on the student’s Google Classroom or in books having been covered in class, and all homework is placed on ClassCharts.

A data report will be sent to all parents and carers in the last week of term ending Friday 18 December.  The report will be based on your child’s approach to their subjects, progress so far and data from the assessments, which will feed into the report and a rank order assessment.  This is the same system as last year.

A timetable for the assessments is included with this letter.  Students will also be given a copy of this timetable and tutors will be going through revision and study skills to support them through their assessment weeks.  Students will be encouraged to create a revision timetable so that they are fully prepared for these assessments and I would ask that you support this to ensure they are as ready as possible.

Please can you also take the opportunity during half term to replace any lost equipment or broken shoes and that you stock up on hand sanitiser for the new term.  As we head into the colder months please remember your child can wear a navy blue jumper or cardigan without a logo.  No hoodies are allowed and if seen they will be confiscated, so please respect this rule.

I would also ask that you check that your child’s uniform and coats are clearly labelled with their name so they can be returned if lost.  A final reminder that acrylic nails need to be removed as does excess jewellery before we start back.  Please see your child’s handbook for full details of the expectations we have if you are unsure.

Students will be expected back to school at 8.40am on Monday 2 November, which is a Week A.

Again, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support, please do contact me if you have any questions, either by telephone or via email at Taking phone calls during the day can be difficult due to my teaching commitments, however, if you do call and leave a message, I will endeavour to call you back as soon as I can.

Yours faithfully

Miss K Swift, Head of Year 9

Att. Year 9 Assessment Timetable  Year 9 Assessment Timetable

Year 9 End of Term ltr 22.10.2020