
Research shows that there is a direct correlation between high levels of attendance, punctuality and high levels of student attainment.

At King’s Academy Easthampstead Park, our average attendance is between 94% and 95%, which is in line with the national average.  Attendance has a direct, positive impact on us helping your child get the results they deserve, and having a great school experience.

Attendance facts

  • Students with 90% attendance will have had the equivalent of 1 day off every 2 weeks.
  • Students with 80% attendance will have had the equivalent of 1 day off every week.

Punctuality facts

  • Being late means students miss out on education, just the same as being absent from school.  It also disrupts learning and teaching.
  • 5 minutes missed from lessons or tutor period due to being late every day equates to 3 days lost a year.
  • 15 minutes missed from lessons or tutor period due to being late every day equates to 10 days lost a year (2 weeks).
  • 30 minutes missed from lessons or tutor period due to being late every day equates to 19 days (nearly 4 weeks).

Everyone gets ill, that cannot be helped, indeed sometimes students are absent because they are on a trip or visit for another subject.  Whatever the reason, missing school is not without consequence on learning.  It is, therefore, important for students to understand that making up the missed work as soon as possible is essential to prevent them falling behind, and take responsibility for that. To do this they can:

  • Ask their friends if they can photocopy their work for them.
  • Make an appointment with a teacher to go through the missed work.
  • Regularly check Class Charts.
  • Look on Google Classroom.