KAEP6 Subject Information


Welcome to our Sixth Form! Every year, the majority of our Year 11 students choose to continue their studies by joining our Sixth Form and are joined by external students who join us from other schools. Our Sixth Form slogan is ‘stay close to go far.’ We offer our students a highly personalised sixth form experience, with students taught in small classes by subject specialists who really know and understand their learning needs. We aim to ensure all students in our Sixth Form study a range of ambitious courses, leading to them achieving excellent outcomes which will open doors for them in their lives beyond our school. Each year, many of our students successfully obtain places at top universities, with others securing places on prestigious apprenticeship schemes with top employers. Moreover, our curriculum ensures our students leave our Sixth Form with the life skills, leadership capacity and confidence to succeed and thrive, whatever the future throws at them. We love the fact that so many of our Sixth Form alumni stay in touch with us and allow us to share in their future successes.

We offer two pathways in our Sixth Form, one at Level 3 and one at Level 2. The majority of our Sixth Form students, who have obtained grades 5+ or above in their GCSEs, study our Level 3 pathway. This involves students studying 3 A-Level courses or Level 3 Technical equivalents (BTECs) for two years. On top of three Level 3 qualifications, students can opt to study Core Maths in Year 12 and/or the Extended Project Qualification in Year 13. 

Our Level 2 Pathway is called ‘Ready to Work’ and is aimed at students who did not secure their 5 GCSE passes, including English or Maths. All Level 2  students follow a common curriculum comprising BTEC Level 2 Travel and Tourism, NCFE Level 2 Employability, BTEC Level 2 Public Services, GCSE/Level 2 Functional Skills English and GCSE/Level 2 Functional Skills Maths. As part of the Employability course, all students undertake work experience one day per fortnight, organised by the school. The aim is that by the end of the year, all students leave with the necessary qualifications and skills to begin either a vocational college course or an apprenticeship.

In addition to their subject lessons, all students on both Level 3 and Level 2 pathways in our Sixth Form participate in lessons in PSHE, regularly receive careers advice and guidance, and undertake regular community service (‘giving back’.)

To explore the courses we offer in our Sixth Form in more detail, click on the subject links below. For more information on joining our sixth form, view our Sixth Form admissions page. If you have any further questions, please contact Simon Puttick, our Director of Sixth Form – mailto:simon.puttick@kgaeasthampstead.uk.

16-19 Bursary

Financial Support – Guidance

Application Form

Bursary Contract