SEND and Local Offer

King’s Academy Easthampstead Park is committed to a policy of inclusion for all and our aim is to overcome barriers to learning and make sure that the needs of all students are met. At King’s Academy Easthampstead Park the teaching, learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all students matters and we believe that all young people regardless of ability, need and behaviour are valued equally.

As a school, our priority is to provide high quality teaching and pastoral care and effective interventions for our students. The overwhelming majority of the school budget funds staff (Teaching Assistants, HLTAs, ELSAs and specialist administrative support for Inclusion) and staff training for teachers and support staff to ensure this happens.

The SEND team is here to provide help, encouragement and additional teaching to students who have been identified as having special educational needs or disabilities. SEND staff provide appropriate support for students with special educational needs across the curriculum. We take a whole school approach in our provision for students with special educational needs, with all staff sharing in the support of their disabilities, difficulties, learning and welfare.
We aim:-

  • To help every young person reach their full potential and optimise their self-esteem
  • To encourage the whole school community to develop and demonstrate a positive attitude towards special educational needs and disabilities
  • To encourage and support young people to participate in all decision making processes in relation to their education and take their views are taken into account
  • To follow a graduated approach to Special Educational Needs where appropriate actions are matched to the needs and wishes of each young person
  • To support the students in building the skills and attributes to develop their independence
  • To promote equality and consideration for others
  • To celebrate student achievement
  • To develop social skills

In all of this work we aim to work as closely as possible with parents to complement the work they do in supporting their child towards these goals.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Miss Sarah Buchanan. To contact Miss Buchanan, please email or telephone 01344 304567 to arrange an appointment.

Position Contact
Assistant Head Inclusion/SENCo Miss S Buchanan
Higher Level Teaching Assistants Mrs S Miles (Literacy)
  Mrs D White ( Numeracy)
  Mrs R Egan (Assessment)
Communciation Lead (Autism) Mr C Cooley
Emotional and Behaviour Lead Mrs K Trundley
SEND Administrator Mrs L McFarlane



The school is unable to diagnose any Special Educational Need, we will work with partner agencies and practitioners if a student is undergoing diagnosis and provide the required supporting information. Where parents and students have a concern that an alternative examination arrangement may be required, we follow the guidelines set out by the Joint Qualification Council (JCQ).

We provide:-

  • Information to teachers on all students who are on the SEN Register (K) or have an Educational Health Care Plan (E).
  • Individual student profiles to support learning
  • In Classroom Support across the curriculum, where appropriate
  • A calm, supportive environment in the Learning Zone SEN area for those needing support during unstructured times
  • ELSA support in the Learning Zone SEN area for students to go to if they have any concerns or worries, before, during or after the school day
  • An enhanced transition programme for those needing additional support with the move to secondary school or between key stages
  • An ASD specialist room
  • A sensory room

Extra-curricular Opportunities

Students can access additional Reading/Literacy Programmes in the form of IDL from home. This supports students who require additional intervention for Reading, Spelling and Comprehension.

The Inclusion staff encourage our students to attend extra-curricular activities. We also liaise and support the departments and pastoral teams, where we can, in support of our students accessing their activities. The PE Department offers a Boccia club one lunchtime a week, this is by invitation only.

Click below to view/download our Local Offer.

This information will help parents, carers and young people understand how we manage Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at King’s Academy Easthampstead Park.

Our Assistant Head for Inclusion/SENCO is Miss Buchanan – she can be contacted via email

Click below to view/download our SEND Policy and Annual Report to parents from the Governors on the provision for SEND.