Careers Information, Advice and Guidance
Careers Information, Advice and Guidance at KAEP is oversee by Mr Richard Lake, Assistant Headteacher (Business and Enterprise). To contact Mr Lake, either email or telephone 01344 304567 to book an appointment.
The information published on this page will next be reviewed in Autumn 2024.
Select the link below to find out all you need to know about apprenticeships, what’s available and how to apply for them.
Or watch our videos on an introduction to Apprenticeships and how to search for, and apply for, an Apprenticeship.
Click on the boxes below to learn more about the different dimensions of CEIAG advice and opportunities on offer to the students at our school.
Recent Careers Events
Please find below details of some recent careers events, and the student feedback we had from them:
Geography Urban Planning Project
Geographers in year 10 had the opportunity to work with urban planning, developing a range of essential work and life skills.Feedback included:
Time Management – “During the urban plan workshop I used time management whilst completing all tasks given. My group and I were the first people to submit all tasks and put 100 % effort into all our work.”
Communication – “Both I and the rest of my group had constant communication, making sure everybody knew what to do and we didn’t argue about any of the decisions made”
Resilience, managing mental health & raising aspirations
Year 9 had the chance to watch and then discuss the importance of positive mindset, taking time to look after yourself and having high aspirations. Feedback included:
“ An excellent experience which was fun to watch and I liked the discussions afterwards”
Army Leadership Programme
Groups of students across year 10 and 11 taking part in leadership teamwork and resilience training over a 5 week period.
All students enjoyed the events over the 5 weeks and would attend more activities with the Army. Feedback included:
“I have developed my leadership skills and found confidence when talking to other people”
“I was able to act in a way that I would not normally do in school”
“I realised the importance of teamwork to complete a project”
Career Meetings
Career Advisors have continued to work virtually throughout lockdown to support year 11, and are now back in school, working with year 10 and 13, looking at career pathways and further education opportunities.
Year 10 Computer Science group
The group has been working with prominent engineers across Europe, taking part in engineering seminars. Feedback included:
“The future is cool!”
“It taught me what quantum computers are and what it can do now and in the future”
33% of students who took part in the session are now considering a career/pathway in computing.
Enterprise Feedback on Career Opportunities
Following a live webinar from a copywriter, students identified the following careers they would like to know more about: Chef, Engineering, Trades and Accounting.
All these areas have been explored and pathways into employment have been discussed.