Useful web links for parents/carers and students

Below are various useful help links for parents/carers and students. Click on the logos and a new window will open with their website.

Here is a list of useful websites relating to sexual health

Local sexual health information website: SafeSex Berkshire

Information and advice about sexual health, including contraception and
sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Sexual health – NHS

Find sexual health services near you, including sexual health clinics,
contraception and abortion services, and sexually transmitted infection (STI)
tests: Sexual health services – NHS

Berkshire East Sexual Health Service: Sexual Health Service | Berkshire
Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and the booking system Lilie Hub

Find out about different types of contraception, including where to get them
and how well they work at preventing pregnancy: Contraception – NHS

Sexual Health and Wellbeing Charity: Sexual Health & Wellbeing – Brook –
Fighting for healthy lives

Local abortion services: Abortion Clinics | Termination of Pregnancy Advice,
Counselling & Treatment | NUPAS / MSI Reproductive Choices UK – Your
Choice, Our Support

Online Test Kits: Sexual Health Experts | SH:24

Under 25? We’re here for you, 365 days a year, for absolutely anything you’re going through. You can contact us however you’d prefer – by phone, email or web chat.

Young person Suicide Help line HOPELineUK 0800 068 4141

Help with bullying issues.

Life Coach Directory was set up by a team who have experienced various issues that life coaching can help with. Through our own experiences, we have learnt how important having relevant information is and how the right support can help transform lives. Our team is passionate about coaching and we want to promote the huge benefits it can offer.Our website encourages those seeking change to connect with qualified life coaches in the UK. Coaching is the process of guiding a person from where they are to where they want to be and can address a range of areas from career advice to family coaching. We offer information about how coaching can help, as well as articles, news, and events.

Counselling service for Young People

Women’s Aid have created this space to help young people understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.

Mermaids is a support group originally formed in 1995 by a group of parents who were brought together as a result of their children’s longstanding Gender Identity Issues.We have supported each other and our children through the difficulties and trauma that gender issues commonly bring to families.

The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential and impartial advice. This is supported by qualified careers advisers.

Elevate Me is the place for 16-24 year olds in Bracknell Forest to get help, advice and support on employment, work experience, volunteering and mentoring.

Pace is the leading national charity working with parents and carers whose children are sexually exploited.

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care. It is a safe place, where young people who are facing grief can share their stories with others.Hope again provides somewhere to turn to when someone dies.

Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self harm including support, information, training and consultancy to people who self harm, their friends and families and professionals.

Al-Anon is worldwide and offers support and understanding to the families and friends of problem drinkers.Confidential Helpline 0207 40 30 888 open 10am – 10pm or visit