Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission:  ” It takes a whole community to raise a child “

We seek to develop students who have a strong sense of community, both locally and globally, who are confident, able to lead others and bring about positive change. We work hard to foster a strong three way partnership between parents, students and the school and believe that having these bonds is essential if our pupils are to achieve their full potential. Our sense of community is built around the quality of relationships between staff, students and parents with the emphasis on respect and pride. All members of our community need to communicate clearly and work together.

Our Vision:  Providing an outstanding education for all students which fully prepares them for life beyond school.

We aim to develop learners who are happy, healthy and equipped in every way to deal with the challenges and opportunities they will face in the future.
We have high academic aspirations for all of our students, but also believe that education is about far more than just achieving outstanding academic results in examinations. Our planned curriculum offers students the opportunity to make outstanding progress from their starting points and that the curriculum offer removes any potential barriers to learning.

Our Strategy: The priorities supporting our school’s vision

  • Our School rated as Ofsted “Outstanding “
  • All students to make positive progress
  • Our Student attainment exceeds FFT20
  • ALPS T Score (A-Level) at 3 or higher
  • Our Curriculum delivery broad, balanced and supporting students aspirations at all levels
  • Our attendance exceeding National Average

Our Character (Ethos) : The KAEP Character Values are central to the school.

The KAEP Character Values provide the characteristic spirit of our school community as manifested in our attitudes and aspirations.

  • We show RESPECT and take PRIDE
  • We show AMBITION by accepting CHALLENGE
  • We become LEADERS by being READERS.
  • We know to BE KIND and STAY SAFE

Our Values, Beliefs and Behaviours

  • We value and respect all people for their knowledge, experience and capabilities.
  • We value our heritage and we believe families and our local community can play an inspiring and purposeful role in young people’s learning.
  • We believe that all young people from every kind of background should be equally recognised as being creative and individual.
  • We believe that learning should engage all members of the community in order to support them in fulfilling their personal and academic potential.
  • We expect everyone to demonstrate through their actions and behaviours, respect for themselves and the community – people, property and the environment – and take pride in what they are capable of achieving.
  • We expect parents to be involved with the school, taking an active interest in the development of their own and others’ children, and for staff to seek opportunities for parents to come into school.

Our Goals 

  • We consistently support our students in developing their individual outcomes and destinations, to support them as active learners, confident and growing in independence, aspiring to high standards and achievement in all spheres of their lives.
  • The curriculum is a broad and balanced curriculum carefully designed to give all students the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. There is scope for adjustments to be made to support students who have struggled during school closure but the emphasis will remain on providing the breadth and balance of the existing curriculum. There is also a range of additional enrichment opportunities available to all students.
  • We firmly believe that the best teachers are lifelong learners, continually reflecting upon their practice, always striving to find new ways to inspire our students. A comprehensive programme of teacher development for Quality First Teaching, ensures our teachers are continually learning and challenging themselves, and are providing our pupils with the very best classroom teaching.
  • Students feel safe in school. Students and parents trust staff to keep them safe and healthy. Students and parents understand why existing codes of conduct have been adapted to the current pandemic and willingly adhere to them. Staff work hard to build positive relationships with all students.
  • We consistently support our students in developing as active ambitious learners, confident and growing in independence, who aspire to high standards and achievement in all spheres of their lives. These critical times have underlined the importance of this aim and also highlighted the importance of helping our students develop the values of fairness, caring and acting responsibly. Our aim is that our students are ambitious to make a difference to their world.
  • Our school community, inclusive of parents/carers, respect and uphold the KAEP character with high expectations for their children, working in harmony with the school and giving us helpful feedback. They know how to actively support their children’s learning and development and encourage their children’s participation in the many opportunities available to them.