Dear Parents/Carers

Year 7 End of Term and Assessment Week 

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support in ensuring that Year 7 students have settled well into secondary school life.

It has been a real pleasure to welcome them to Easthampstead Park Community School even though we look a little different to our normal operation.  Students have adapted well to the ‘new norm’ and are becoming familiar with our policies and procedures.  They are getting used to our expectations of how we will work together, to support productive work in lessons; Respect and Pride, Track the Speaker and One Voice.

They have been engaged in reading and many have now finished their first book in tutor time through the guided reading programme.  The use of the Library to change independent reading books has been positive and I hope many of our students will commit to reading a book each and every day of half term.

Year 7 have had a very successful first term at EPCS and this is reflected in the fact they have had over 16,000 positive points awarded to them.  This works out at the year group average of 95% positive.  In particular students have been recognised for their participation and contribution in learning and exceptional work.  I am really proud of this fantastic achievement and I am confident it will continue into next term as the work pace and expectations increase.

Particular highlights for me this term have been the Year 7 football tournament organised by Mr Sheldon, all tutor groups put on a good show but it was 7Y3 who were ultimately triumphant.  Congratulations, to all who took part.

I have really enjoyed looking at the transition work that some students have produced, it was very impressive and clear that lots of effort had been put into the challenges. Through visiting lessons it is evident that there are some very talented artists, linguists and singers in the year group.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to inform you about Year 7 assessment week.  This is scheduled for the week beginning Monday 30 November 2020.  Further details regarding the assessments, such as assessment titles, dates and length of assessment will be shared at the beginning of next term.  Assessments will take place in lessons and guidance provided for students to enable them to be successful so they can plan any revision carefully.   A data report will be sent to all parents and carers in the last week of term ending Friday 18 December 2020.

Please can you take the opportunity during half term to replace any lost equipment or broken shoes and that you stock up on hand sanitiser for the new term.  As we head into the colder months please remember your child can wear a navy blue jumper or cardigan without a logo.  No hoodies are allowed and if seen they will be confiscated, so please respect this rule.

I would also ask you to check that your child’s uniform and coats are clearly labelled with their name so they can be returned if lost.  A final reminder that acrylic nails need to be removed as does excess jewellery before we start back. Please see your child’s handbook for full details of the expectations we have if you are unsure.  Can I also remind you to monitor your child’s social media activity as I have shared my concerns in a separate letter which was triggered by some disappointing activity on WhatsApp.

Students will be expected back to school at 8:40am on Monday 2 November, which is a Week A.

I wish you all a relaxing half term and look forward to welcoming students back feeling refreshed and ready to take on the challenges of term 2.

Yours faithfully

Miss L Preston, Senior Teacher Discovery, Head of Year 7

Year 7 End of Term ltr 22.10.2020