We are pleased to confirm that the practical food room, which enables students opportunities to learn essential life-skills in the preparation and creation of nutritional meals, continues to operate this term.  In order for students to access this invaluable experience, we require full participation from students and that they are equipped with their ingredients on the right day.   It is very difficult for staff to oversee the practical and support the children cooking if a number of students sit out the practical experience.  If a child repeatedly misses sessions this can lead to a lack of confidence overtime in the students approach and a lower skill set.

We currently set practical lesson days and ingredients via ClassCharts and Google Classroom, but already this week we have seen some students unable to access these valuable and enjoyable lessons because they were not equipped with ingredients.  Food practical lessons are mandatory and non-participation will, unfortunately, result in detention.  If there is a legitimate reason you are unable to provide ingredients please feel free to contact your child’s Food Technology teacher and we will do what we can to support you.  This needs to be a full day before the lesson so we can make arrangements.

Please refer to the table below to see when your child is required to bring in ingredients to participate in a practical lesson.  It could save you preparing a meal that evening and give your child the opportunity on occasions to cook for you.  An ingredients list for each recipe is also provided with this letter.

Year 7

Practical lesson 7X-FD1 7X-FD2 7X-FD3 7X-FD4 7Y-FD1 7Y-FD2 7Y-FD3 7Y-FD4
Savoury Rice 20 April 23 April 21 April 27 April 22 April Inset 30 April 26 April
Vegetable Curry 4 May 7 May 5 May 11 May 6 May Bank Holiday 14 May 10 May
Sausage Rolls 18 May 21 May 19 May 25 May 20 May 17 May 28 May 24 May
Stir fry 8 June 11 June 9 June 15 June 10 June 7 June 18 June 14 June
Fajitas 22 June 25 June 23 June 29 June 24 June 21 June 2 July 28 June
Carrot Cakes 6 July 9 July 7 July 13 July 8 July 5 July 16 July 12 July


Year 8

Practical lesson 8X-FD1 8X-FD2 8X-FD3 8X-FD4 8Y-FD1 8Y-FD2 8Y-FD3 8Y-FD4
Fajitas Inset 21 April 20 April 27 April 20 April 29 April 23 April 29 April
Chilli Con Carne Bank Holiday 5 May 4 May 11 May 4 May 13 May 7 May 13 May
Enchiladas 17 May 19 May 18 May 25 May 18 May 27 May 21 May 27 May
Chicken Goujons 7 June 9 June 8 June 15 June 8 June 17 June 11 June 17 June
Kofta and flat bread 21 June 23 June 22 June 29 June 22 June 1 July 25 June 1 July
Cheesecake Cups 5 July 7 July 6 July 13 July 6 July 15 July 9 July 15 July

Thank you for your ongoing support and please do not hesitate to contact me via email at jonathan.proctor@epschool.org if you have any questions.

Yours faithfully

Mr J Proctor

Head of Design

Year 7 Food Practical Recipes

Year 8 Food Practical Recipes