Dear Parents/Carers

Year 11 End of Term 

It has been wonderful to have our Year 11 students back with us.  It feels like a long time without them, despite the sessions during the summer term during lockdown and I am proud of how they have started the new academic year.

Since returning in September, students on the whole have shown great professionalism and perseverance in spite of all the challenges that come with the current climate. This is evident in the outstanding 92% net positives they have accumulated since the start of term.  I want to give specific praise to the students and their conduct during our Champion lessons which is a considerable change to their normal school timetable.  These 40 minutes lessons are vital in ensuring that students catch up on any learning missed over recent months and embed the key skills needed to be successful in their upcoming exams. They are attending well and many have told me they appreciate the later start!

With this being the final hurdle before their GCSE exams we need to be mindful of the opportunities available to be successful but also the pressures that come with it.  We want all students to be successful in all their subjects. This will only happen through hard work both in school and at home, listening to their teachers and being fully prepared for school every single day.

We fully appreciate that for some students this may be a challenge and school is here to support them.  As teachers, we are aware that this will not be the normal build up to exams and we will continue to adapt and reflect on what we feel will secure the positive GCSE outcomes we know this year group is capable of.   Even with the potential restrictions we still believe that this year’s group could be the most successful to attend Easthampstead Park Community School.  Every child will have a part to play and every child deserves to be successful.

Please can you take the opportunity during half term to replace any lost equipment or broken shoes and that you stock up on hand sanitiser for the new term.  As we head into the colder months please remember your child can wear a navy blue jumper or cardigan without a logo.  No hoodies are allowed and if seen they will be confiscated, so please respect this rule.  I would also ask that you check that your child’s uniform and coats are clearly labelled with their name so they can be returned if lost.  A final reminder that acrylic nails need to be removed as does excess jewellery before we start back. Please see your child’s handbook for full details of the expectations we have if you are unsure.

Students are expected back to school at 9.10am on Monday 2 November, which is a Week A

Yours faithfully

Mr T Ayliffe, Head of Year 11

Year 11 End of Term ltr 22.10.2020