Thank you for continuing to support your child and the school as we work to put together the evidence required for submitting Teacher Assessed Grades. I remind you that the remaining weeks of Term 5 remain crucial and the work your child produces could play a significant role in determining the GCSE grades they ultimately receive.

The bullet points below set out the arrangements we have made for your child’s final days in school. Please take careful note of the dates given and ensure your child is aware of the expectations set.

  • Year 11 students will attend their compulsory in-school lessons up until 3.10pm on Friday 28 May. 
  • For the week commencing Monday 7 June, Year 11 students will be set a series of home learning tasks, (run as assigned remote learning) designed to support them with thinking about their futures and exploring careers. They will complete these tasks independently from home.
  • It is very important that all Year 11 students are available every day during the week commencing Monday 7 June. They may be required to attend school at short notice if one of their teachers has a question or issue that needs resolving, with their portfolio of evidence, for their Teacher Assessed Grades.  If your child is required in school, you will be contacted by either telephone or email.
  • We will welcome all Year 11 students back into school for a Leavers Assembly on Friday 11 June in the Theatre. This will take place from 9.30am to 11.00am.  This will be an opportunity to celebrate the students’ time in school, their many successes, great memories and contributions made to our community.
  • The students have been operating as one bubble so we are able to maintain the group together for a short time and will ensure the theatre is well ventilated. Students should be taking regular lateral flow tests at home which reduces the risk further. Students showing any symptoms should not attend school as is the case now.
  • Students are required to attend the formal part of the Leavers Assembly in normal school uniform and it should be worn correctly. EPCS school leavers hoodies are permitted. Trainers may be worn instead of school shoes if black.
  • When students arrive, they will be asked to line up with tutors. If students arrive inappropriately dressed they will be asked to leave the school site immediately and will not be allowed to attend the celebrations. Students will not be required to hand in mobile phones.
  • After the assembly students will have an opportunity to sign shirts (most students have traditionally brought an additional shirt for signing and some embellish them with names and suitable designs) and say their farewells. Once complete they will not be allowed to re-enter the main school site as classes will be in progress.
  • We are proud of our students and we know that they will enjoy and appreciate this experience. We will not allow any students to spoil it for others and if any student’s behaviour is considered inappropriate they will be asked to leave the school site immediately, contact will be made with home and this will be recorded on their school record.  Students should respect our school ethos and continue to act as appropriate role models for others in school.
  • From Monday 14 June, in line with Government requirements, we will provide a remote learning curriculum for Year 11 students to access independently, should they wish. This will consist of content which will support them with preparing for post-16 study.

Results Collection

Students are invited to collect their results on Thursday 12 August between 9.00am and 11.00am.  Entry to the school site will be via the lower playground gates.  Dependent upon COVID-19 guidelines by August, appropriate procedures will be in place to ensure safe in-person collection.

To keep numbers to a minimum unfortunately it will not be possible for you to accompany your child onto the school site for the collection process.  Students can of course collect their results and return to you to open them off-site.

We are able to offer to email results home to students if they do not wish to attend in person to collect them and results will be emailed to students’ school email addresses.  If your child wishes to have their results emailed to them, they will need to complete the form via this link 2021 Results Collection – Email request (

Thank you for continuing to support your child and the school at this important time. If you have any questions, please direct them to your child’s Head of Year, Mr Ayliffe at in the first instance.

Yours faithfully

Mr M Hall and Ms C O’Brien, Deputy Headteachers