Commencing from Monday 10 May, for two weeks, Year 11 students will be sitting assessments to support staff needing to collate the final pieces of evidence required for Teacher assessed grades, in line with the guidance from JCQ and examination awarding bodies.

The results of these assessments will form a crucial part of students overall Teacher Assessed Grades, as they will assess a range of knowledge and skills that have been taught during the Key Stage 4 curriculum.  Teachers and students have been working together to ensure that all the evidence collated is an accurate reflection of the student’s ability, efforts and work.

In support of the assessment timetable from Monday 10 May until Thursday 20 May there are certain key details that parents, carers and pupils need to be aware of:

For assessments taking place on the following dates all students need to be lined up in the lower school playground for Roll Call by 8:50am.  Note the earlier start time.

  • Monday 10 May
  • Wednesday 12 May
  • Thursday 13 May
  • Friday 14 May
  • Monday 17 May (only those students who study Geography and Computer studies – all other students will start at their normal time)
  • Tuesday 18 May
  • Wednesday 19 May

Mobile phones will be collected from students during Roll Call and students will then be required to leave their bags and coats at the back of the Gym or Sports Hall.  Please note any student found with a mobile in their possession will be breaking examination rules regarding conduct within exams, smart watches (having an internet connection) should also not be worn.

Student’s uniforms will be checked to ensure that all students are adhering to the school uniform policy which includes school blazers and school shoes.  Year 11 students will continue to be permitted to wear the school leavers hoodie.

All students need to be sat in their allocated seats ready to start the assessment at 9:00am.  Where assessments start after break or lunchtime, students are expected to line up 5 minutes before the allocated start time to ensure that they are seated ready to start at 11.00am or 1.50pm.  For assessments which start at 12.10pm, students will line up after Period 2.

If a student is late to the assessment we cannot guarantee that they will get the time to finish the exam before the end of term.  It may be that they will be required to attend school after the half term to catch up.  The exams need to start on time so we can guarantee that all students receive their full allocated time and show their capabilities.

While the assessments are taking place in the Gym and Sports Hall, students are not permitted to communicate with any other students and are under the JCQ regulations of external examinations.  If a student’s behaviour is considered to be inappropriate this could affect the Teacher Assessed Grade awarded as the evidence could be considered invalid.  We will not allow any student to disrupt the learning environment for other students.  At the start of each assessment the expectations will be read to the students, so there will be no excuses for inappropriate behaviour.

Students need to ensure that they attend all assessments with the correct equipment.  Students are also permitted to bring a bottle of plain water with the labels removed.

In light of the earlier start to the school day, Champion lessons are no longer compulsory from Monday 10 May until they leave on Friday 11 June 2021. Students will be required to attend if requested by a class teacher, to support with collating evidence or completing an assessment. Staff will use this time to gather assessment evidence and if pieces are missing they will alert students to attend.

If students are not required to attend Champion lessons we encourage them to go home and use this additional time to revise and prepare for their upcoming assessments.  They are still required to attend pm registration with their Tutor.

In support of student’s revision please encourage them to keep checking their ClassCharts and Google Classroom.  A range of digital learning resources are available: Tassomai, GCSEPOD and PiXL Apps.  Please also refer to the 20 A Day letter sent out previously which includes a range of revision resources suggested by staff.

We are proud of our Year 11 students, they are working hard to achieve success.  Thank you for your ongoing support and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the very best in assessments over the next two weeks. Staff are making the most of the time left to support them and gather the required range of evidence and staff and students continue to support each other in this endeavour.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email at

Yours faithfully

Mr T Ayliffe, Head of Year 11

Y11 Assessments ltr 6.5.2021