Year 11 News Hub


Year 11 News Hub



Welcome to the Year 11 News Hub

Here you will find all year related news items, what’s going on in the school, upcoming events and links to pdfs, letters and other important information. Also below you will find relevant year group parent letters and news.

Year 11 Parent News

Year 11 End of Spring Term Letters

Year 11 - HOY End of Spring Term ltr 1.4.2022 (1) 1 April 2022 Dear Parents/Carers Year 11 - End of Spring Term ‘Simply the Best’ was the student’s ethos at the March Pre Public Exams (PPE’s), with the majority of them achieving their potential and some beyond their...

Dear Year 11 Parents, Please find below the Year 11 Home Learning Schedule, detailing what homework your child will receive on each day and how long they should be spending on it. Many thanks for supporting your child with completing their home learning. This is...

Whole School News