Warm Weather Protocols
Dear Parents / Carers,
Today we welcomed back Year 7 and 12 students. Tomorrow we welcome back all year groups to school. We are looking forward to seeing them and getting the busy Autumn term underway for all.
Tomorrow the weather app indicates we will be experiencing hotter weather than today, and the heat will build earlier, so all students may wear their PE kit (shorts) on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am aware that some items are on backorder with Stevenson’s, with PE polo’s due week commencing 25th September. If this applies to your child, they may wear the summer polo as an alternative. Stevenson’s have supplied us with a backorder list, but over 350 orders were placed for uniform items yesterday alone.
For students in year 7, if you have items outstanding, please feel able to wear your primary PE kit items as a substitute. As we have made the adjustment for the hot weather, we are not expecting tracksuit bottoms to be worn.
On Monday we will revert to our winter uniform, and tutors will check uniforms in roll call, as part of our daily expectations. Please make sure if your child is still missing an item that you follow the school process and provide a note written by yourselves and dated. This system worked well today, and my thanks to parents who supported me.
As is the case today, please make sure you provide your child with their own named water bottle, filled before attending school. Water will be available at break and lunchtimes for students to access.
As is always the case, students throwing water will be sanctioned, and sensible behaviour is expected.
Thank you for your support
Liz Cook