2 December 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

RE: End of Autumn term and start of Spring term arrangements

I am writing to notify you of arrangements for the end of the Autumn term and start of the Spring term. The last day of the Autumn term is Friday 17 December. Students will attend a shortened school day, finishing at 12.30pm. Breaktime will be extended by 10 minutes to ensure all students who wish to buy food are able to do so and that those students who have a free school meal are able to claim this. During the day, students will attend some normal lessons. We have also planned to have a virtual Christmas assembly and a virtual Christmas quiz in tutor groups led by Sixth Form students, as we are unable to have large gatherings of mixed age students due to current restrictions. If you wish your child to remain at school until 3.10pm on Friday 17 December, please notify our Attendance Officer, Mr Fenton by emailing attendance@epschool.org by Monday 13 December and we will make arrangements for your child to be supervised, completing homework or reading independently in the school Library.

In January, in line with Government guidance, we will be offering onsite COVID-19 LFD testing for all students prior to their return to school. This testing will take place on Tuesday 4 January. Your child’s Head of Year will write to you nearer the time notifying you of when their testing slot will be
on this day. As a result, the school will not reopen for normal lessons until Wednesday 5 January. Teachers will set work or activities for students to complete on Tuesday 4 January via Google Classroom. As you would expect we will also encourage students to access the subject specific online learning tools we subscribe to including Tassomai, MyMaths, GCSEPod and Dr Frost Maths and for KS3, Bedrock Literacy.

All students will return on Wednesday 5 January at 8.40am for a normal school day. Thank you for all of your hard work and efforts supporting your child and our school over the Autumn

I wish you a restful Christmas break when it arrives.

Yours sincerely
Mr M Hall
Deputy Headteacher

End of Autumn term arrangements ltr 2.12.2021 (1)