Dear Parents/Carers

The Year 10 Assessment Week will start from Monday 16 November 2020. This will be the first Assessment Week that our students will sit as GCSE students and therefore the outcomes will be graded against GCSE criteria within their subject areas. The assessment times by subject are detailed in the attached table.

All staff at Easthampstead Park Community School want this to be a positive experience for our students and we will prepare them for their assessments using allocated lesson time and homework. The ‘information’ column below shares links and information to allow your child to access revision materials to help them further prepare and to ensure they do their best.

All of the assessments will be based on topics that students have already covered in their lessons and subject teachers will remind their classes of what content will be assessed. We do expect that all of our students will take responsibility for their learning and will commit to extra revision outside of school time. The assessments will give you and your child an idea of how they might perform in their final examinations but this will only be the case if they have approached them with maturity and revised thoroughly. Specific revision apps are available to the students to use and they should have passwords for their access.

As parents and carers, I please ask that you support this Assessment Week by ensuring that your child continues to be equipped with their tools for learning every day and that you encourage them to use the resources provided at home to support their revision. Resources for the assessments should be in a clear pencil case as this mirrors the examination board’s expectations. Our school shop sells a basic kit suitable for this purpose if you wish to purchase one solely for examination use.

Students will also continue to have access to our school library every Thursday for extra support, for printing or just as a place to revise. All resources are accessible by mobile phone using the Google Drive app if there are issues accessing a computer at home.

I do need to make you aware that once all assessments are graded, this data will be collated and used by Heads of Department and myself as Head of Year, to make informed decisions about bandings and set changes for all students in the core subjects. We all want to ensure that your child is receiving the correct level of challenge and this data will be paramount in making these decisions. Any band changes and set changes that are made will be communicated to your child and as parents/carers, you will be informed via a letter.

If your child has any concerns or questions about Assessment Week, then their subject teachers, as well as their tutors and myself, will be more than happy to help.
Thank you for your continued support and I hope your child fulfils their potential and shows their capability by preparing thoroughly to achieve success.

Yours faithfully

Mrs J Fear,  Head of Year 10