I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the last couple of weeks with the return to face-to-face teaching for all students.  It has been fantastic to have our school community learning together again.

The last day of term prior to the Easter break is Thursday 1 April.  Students will finish early on this day at 1.20pm to provide additional time for teacher training.  Students will attend am PREP/tutor, and Periods 1-3 before departing.   They will have a slightly extended break time to ensure all students either in receipt of a free school meal, or wishing to buy food from our caterers, have the opportunity to do so.

If the early finish causes a significant issue for any parents/carers, please email the Attendance Officer via email at attendance@epschool.org and we will make arrangements for your child to be supervised independently reading in the school library until the end of the normal school day.

There will also be an Inset day on Monday 19 April, so students will be expected to return at their normal start times on Tuesday 20 April, Week B.

Students will also be able to wear summer uniforms for the summer term.  Please check the list carefully, a copy of which can be found in the student’s handbook.

I wish you a restful Easter break when it comes.

Yours faithfully

Mr M Hall

Deputy Headteacher

End of Term letter