5 March 2021

Dear Parents/Carers
Year 9 Welcome Back
The time has finally arrived for us to welcome Year 9 students back to school. Your child’s tutors and I are very pleased that we are now in a position to do this and we are planning and preparing for their
return so that we can support them fully on their return. We know that it has been a long time and that students have gone through very different experiences during lockdown, just know that we are here for
you and your child and we will do our very best to support you and help them settle back into face to face teaching.
Please remember our high expectations and this starts right from the first time they come back to school, full school uniform, polite and well-mannered students that we know they are, ready and fully prepared
to begin your face to face teaching again (tools for learning, pencil cases fully stocked and ready for your lessons to begin).
Stay safe, stay active and we are looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

Year 9 COVID Testing Timetable 

Information for next week – Testing
 Testing will take place on Monday and Thursday between the times detailed in the table below for each Tutor group.
 Students need to enter through the lower school playground (by the Sports Hall) as the testing is taking place in the Gym.
 There will be members of staff present to support your child with this and help with what is expected of them.
 They will need a face covering and hand sanitiser when they come to school (unless they are exempt).
 They must be in full school uniform.

Year 9 Lesson Timetable

 Monday 8 March – Students will complete online lessons or independent work when they are not being tested. They are only coming into school for the test.
 Tuesday 9 March – Students will complete online lessons but it will be in the form of an Environmental challenge day. More details will be shared about this with students.
 Wednesday 10 March – Students will be in school today for face to face lessons. The day will begin with roll call as normal.
 Thursday 11 March – Students will complete online lessons or independent work when they are not being tested. They are only coming into school for the test.
 Friday 12 March – Students will be in school today for face to face lessons. The day will begin with roll call as normal.

We understand that some parents may struggle with providing students with the correct uniform until shops open on April 12. We want to work with parents to ensure that there is a successful transition
back to school. We ask that if you are having any kind of difficulty then you work with us and communicate clearly any uniform issues with your child’s tutor. As a school we have high expectations of how students present themselves both in terms of their visual appearance and in how they communicate with students and staff. This is checked every morning by tutors during Roll Call. As it has been a while we wish to remind parents and carers of our uniform, jewellery and piercing expectations.

1. Students are expected to return  to school in full school uniform. If there is an issue with any part of your child’s uniform then we ask that you write a note/email informing their tutor.
2. Hoodies of any type are not permitted in school and will be confiscated by staff and returned at the end of the day.
3. School shoes are to be worn and trainers are not permitted.

A student that is not equipped causes significant disruption to the learning environment and valuable learning time is lost. It also means they cannot be successful in their school day. We ask for your
support with this to ensure that your child has a reading book and a fully stocked pencil case to fully engage with their learning. Stationery equipment can be purchased via your ParentPay account and we
ask that you resolve any issues you identify in readiness for their return.

Mobile Phones
All students in Year 7-11 must hand in their mobile phone during roll call as they are not permitted to have mobile phones in their possession. The phone should be silenced and notifications turned off.
Students arriving late (after roll call) will be expected to hand their phone into Raising Standards for safekeeping.
Parents and students should be clear that the misuse of mobile phones will not be tolerated and failure to hand your phone in and keep it on your person will be treated seriously by the school as it is in clear breach of our rules.

Punctuality is a key characteristic and expectation of all our students as it clearly supports our vision of clear routine and expectations. It also supports students having a calm, orderly start to the day.

The latest government advice regarding face masks is as follows:
Where pupils and students in year 7 and above are educated, we recommend that face coverings should be worn by staff, pupils and students when moving around the premises, outside of classrooms, such as in corridors and communal areas where social distancing cannot easily be maintained. Face coverings do not need to be worn by pupils and students when outdoors on the premises. In addition, we now also recommend that in those settings where pupils and students in year 7 and above are educated, face coverings should be worn in classrooms and during activities unless social distancing can be maintained.
Students who are exempt from wearing masks will be issued with an exemption card or can wear an exemption lanyard. Please ensure that the Head of Year is aware of the exemption.

We look forward to welcoming students back to our school community.
Yours faithfully

Miss K Swift
Head of Year 9


Y9 HOY Welcome Back ltr 5.3.2021