Dear Parents/Carers

Please find below  a letter from Mrs Hird, Head of Science, inviting you to purchase a GCSE Combined Science Revision Guide. We will be placing the order on Thursday 15 October 2020 to enable us to issue the books to students before they leave for the October Half Term holiday. If you would like to purchase a revision guide, please login to your ParentPay account by Wednesday 14 October.  We will not be able to accept orders after this date.

Kind regards

Sue Watson

Finance Department

29 September 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
RE: GCSE Combined Science Revision Guides – £5.70 available to purchase via ParentPay
The Science department are determined that students will be well prepared for their GCSE examinations. Experience has shown us how incredibly useful revision guides can be in supporting students’ progress
in class and when studying independently at home.  The CGP revision guides follow the AQA specification exactly. They are written in studentfriendllanguage and break up the content into manageable parts for students to work through one at a time. Both
higher or foundation tier books are available and the students will be given the book most appropriate for them. There is also an online version of the revision guide provided for free using a unique code inside each book.
The cost is £5.70 if purchased via the school (retail price £9.95) and the book you are buying is called CGP – Grade 9-1 GCSE Combined Science: AQA Revision Guide
Please use your ParentPay account to purchase and we will place a bulk order for the whole year group. If you require your ParentPay activation details, please email
The bulk order will be placed on Thursday 15 October and the revision guide will be given to your child the week commencing 19 October 2020.
Students must write their name inside their revision guide and it will be their responsibility to look afterThey will benefit significantly from its regular use and teachers will regularly refer to it in their lessons.
If you would like to discuss other ways to support the students with their learning at home, please do nohesitate to contact me on 01344 304567 or via email at
Yours faithfully
Mrs A J Hird
Head of Science