17 December 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 8 – End of Autumn Term 

We have reached the end of a very successful first term for our Year 8 students which is reflected in the ClassCharts data for Year 8.  Since starting school in September, students have been awarded over 24734 positive points and on average the cohort is achieving a 92% positive to a negative ratio for their behaviour.  This is a fantastic achievement and one I am very keen to continue into the New Year.

I am pleased to report that the year group have continued their successful start to Year 8. They have demonstrated resilience to adapt to the challenges faced this term

During visits to lessons it is clear to see that the majority of students have a love for learning and fully participate in their lessons. They tackled their assessment week with determination and dedication.  I know many students have enjoyed being able to take part in practical subjects this term.

Many students have demonstrated thoughtfulness for others through their contributions of tins to the Kerith Centre and their donation of items for the shoebox appeal even though many are experiencing challenging times themselves.   Staff have continually praised Year 8 students and many have been willing to participate in after school clubs.

We know that students benefit from regular attendance at school and that it is key to an individual’s social, emotional, educational progress and attainment.  As you may realise, good attendance and punctuality are vital to your child’s academic success.

At Easthampstead Park Community School, we aim that every student should strive for 100% but achieve at least 96% attendance in a school year in line with the national average.  As a parent/carer you have responsibility for your child’s attendance and punctuality and we value your support in what are difficult times.

The table below shows how an absence can very quickly make an impact.

If your attendance over the school year is… ..this is how many school days you have missed, which is approximately this many school weeks, which is this number of lessons missed
























The school uniform rules must be adhered to by all students and these are detailed in the student planner and on the school website. Ensuring that your child has the correct uniform, equipment and attends school on a regular basis ensures that your child can be as successful as possible at school and in support of our school ethos.

If any shoes or equipment need replacing then please take the opportunity to replenish stocks over the break in preparation for the new term.  Student handbooks can be purchased for £1 and ties for £7.15 via ParentPay, students can then collect them from Raising Standards.  Students will need to remember their mask on their return to school. This expectation will continue until we are given further guidance from the government.

We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 5 January 2021 at 8.40 am and it will be Week B.  New handbook and student timetables will be issued in January and the expectation is that students will write their timetable in their handbook.  Multiple copies will not be printed for students who lose their paper copy.

I would like to thank you for all your support during this unique and challenging term.  Your continued support and flexibility with the adaptations to school life this term, has been much appreciated.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year, I look forward to continuing to work with you in 2021.

Yours faithfully

Mr S Puttick

Head of Year 8