12 November 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 7 Assessment Week, Monday 30 November – Friday 4 December
As you are aware Year 7 students will experience assessment week from Monday 30 November to Friday 4 December. Some assessments will take place on dates outside of the assessment week as they will take place in student’s normal lessons. They will follow their normal timetable for their subject lessons so you will be able to see on which days a subject assessment might fall. Assessments will be based on topics that students have already covered in their lessons and students will be fully prepared for their assessments by their subject teachers. In a small number of subjects, this may be a practical element that is assessed.

We are really keen that this is a positive experience for students and have attached an overview of the assessments by subject and the topic or skill that will be tested. Students will receive a paper copy of the overview timetable and their individual teachers will talk to their classes about what is expected of them. Dates and times of subject assessments may vary dependant on the child’s timetable. During the week commencing Monday, 23 November students will each have a wellbeing appointment with their tutor. This will take place during their usual PREP programme. Whilst the tutor is talking to their tutee, students will have the opportunity to revise and prepare for their exams during these PREP sessions. This will need to be done independently as the tutor will be talking to children individually in the class. We encourage them to attend PREP with revision work to complete. Further revision support will be provided from English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Modern Languages as tasks to complete during their PREP time to support this process. Next week tutors will also deliver a session on revision techniques with students so they can use the time well and know what is expected of them.

It is expected that students do take responsibility for their own learning and they are expected to complete preparation for these assessments at home in addition to the PREP sessions allocated. Please remember that Year 7 students have access to Homework Club after school (spaces are limited so please book via the parents evening system) and the school library is accessible to Year 7 on a Monday break and lunchtime and Thursday break time. I would encourage students to take advantage of this extra support. As parents I ask that you support your child with assessment week by discussing their upcoming assessments, helping them structure their preparation at home and ensuring that they are fully equipped for learning. In particular, I would ask that you check that they have a fully stocked pencil case and that the pens all work. We do
encourage students to have a clear pencil case as this is good practice for their more formal examinations in the future. Any equipment required can be ordered through our copy centre.

If your child has any questions or concerns regarding the assessment week then please encourage them to speak to or email their subject teachers and their tutor. They will be best placed to answer any queries. I hope that students fully prepare for this week, do their best and demonstrate to staff their full potential.

Many thanks as always for your continued support
Yours faithfully

Miss L Preston
Senior Teacher Discovery, Head of Year 7

link to the pdf here Year 7 Assessment and timetable ltr 12.11.2020

link to the pdf here Year 7 Assessment Timetable 12.11.2020