Year 7 – We’ve got some fantastic plans to help our new Year 7 students find their feet in our school.
Our Year 7 Induction Programme will help students orientate themselves, meet key members of staff, and get logged onto the computers.
There will also be some baseline tests, although these are nothing to worry about and don’t require any prior preparation. If Year 7 students or parents have any questions, the best person to contact for the time being is their bubble tutor.
On their first morning, there will be lots of members of staff around to welcome the new Year 7 students and to help them find where to go. We are really excited about you joining our school community!
Year 7 to enter school at the entrance on the Jennett’s Park side of the school…
Roll call on the basketball courts
Classes in the Maths corridor
Follow the one-way system, shown by the red lines on the map.
We’ve produced a series of videos for students, walking them through their return to school. Hope the students (and their parents) find them useful
If you have any question please ask your questions in the EPCS Parents Group as these posts have been included there too