Dear Parents/Carers

Sports Day

Sports Day will be taking place over a number of days this year.  Sessions are being run at different times for each year group:

• Tuesday 6 July – Year 9                       P1 and P2 – 9D1, 9D2 and 9D3                P3 and P4 – 9D4, 9D5 and 9D6

• Wednesday 7 July – Year 10               P1 and P2 – 10D1, 10D3 and 10D5          P3 and P4 – 10D2, 10D4 and 10D6

• Thursday 8 July – Year 7 and Year 8   P1 and P2 – Year 8                                    P3 and P4 – Year 7

All students should attend school in their school PE kit on the day of their Sports Day. If students fail to attend in the correct school PE kit they will incur a detention on the same day.  PE kits will be checked on the gates in the morning to reduce any delay in the Sports Day events.   Please ensure your child is aware of these expectations and has the correct kit on ready to participate.

Please can you ensure that your child:
• Brings a water bottle (there will be access to water to refill these)
• Applies sunscreen before leaving for school and brings sunscreen
• Wears the correct school PE kit, and may wear a cap if the weather is hot
• Brings their tools for learning for their other lessons throughout the day
• Follows our ‘Respect and Pride’ ethos with positive support for all! Be safe and be kind.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we are unable to invite parents to spectate as activities will be happening throughout each day across all sports facilities within the school.

Yours faithfully
Miss S Burrows, Head of Physical Education