Although it may seem a long way away, the summer Exams process has already commenced.

Year 11 exams will begin in early May 2020 with Art and Photography exams taking place first of all,
followed by formal written exams into June.

Your child’s summer 2020 exam timetable will include a national contingency exam day (Wednesday 24
June 2020). This day has been arranged by exam boards for “GCSE and/or GCE examinations, should
sustained national or local disruption arise during the June 2020 examination series.” In practice, this
means that your child will need to be available on this date to sit any rearranged final exams. Please
bear this date in mind when booking your summer 2020 holidays.

If your child is not available on the contingency day and is required to sit a rearranged exam they will
miss out on achieving a good grade which would, of course, be devastating after their two years of hard
work in support of their studies.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me by email on