Year 11 – We look forward to welcoming Year 11 students back into school for face-to-face teaching on Wednesday the 2nd of September.
The timings of the school day for Year 11 students will be a little different to normal.
Students will start school at the later time of 9.10 each day.
On a Monday-Thursday at the end of each day, the Y11s will have a ‘Champion Lesson’ in either one of their options subjects or in Science. This will help the students to catch up on some of the work they have missed over the last six months.
On a Monday to Thursday, school for Year 11 will finish at 3.50. On a Friday, Year 11 students will finish at the earlier time of 3.10.
Year 11 to enter school at the second gate by the KS3 playground.
Roll call on the KS3 playground in front of the sports hall.
Classes in the performing arts block and the sports hall.
Follow the amber lines.
We’ve produced a series of videos for students, walking them through their return to school. Hope the students (and their parents) find them useful
Year 11 –
If you have any questions please ask them in the EPCS Parents Group as the post has been included there too.