Year 10 – End of spring term letter

> Download the letter here.

Dear Parents / Carers

I am writing to you as we come to the end of what has been for the majority another successful term for my Year 10 students.

This term alone the students have amassed nearly 10,000 positive points with staff recognising their participation and contribution to their learning and exceptional work within lessons. Since September students in Year 10 have been awarded nearly 40,000 positives which demonstrates how successful this year group can be when they work within the school’s high expectations and co-operate with adults.

I am looking forward to celebrating the year group’s many successes this term, in our end of term assembly on Friday. Looking forward to next term, I will set students a challenge to gain more positives by demonstrating that they can accept work of a higher challenge in lessons and extend the amount of independent study.

I have chosen acceptance of learning challenges as a focus, as the reality is that your child has only two and a half terms to complete their GCSE course content. This of course includes the summer term. To identify how much progress students have made and their commitment to revision of key topics and concepts, students will take part in a formal exam session, commencing on the 13 May and lasting for two weeks. Staff will use the results to make decisions about the level of attainment possible and some classes may be adjusted using the results of the examinations.

Students will be informed about what to revise and they already have access to GCSE Pod, PiXL Apps all of which provide excellent opportunities to space out revision and memorise the necessary information. Students have been given an assembly on effective revision techniques.

I am aware some parents have been written to by subject staff making clear there are concerns regarding progress and incomplete work. The school would appreciate your taking the time to discuss with your child any work outstanding and set supporting plans in place for students to complete during the Easter break.

The GSCE course content is demanding and staff will not have time to allocate to redo and recover areas missed due to lack of homework not being completed. All students should aim to be on top of their studies including reading the key texts studied within English and have their time planned to revise in readiness for the next term’s academic programme.

We continue to set homework on ClassCharts to assist you in monitoring what has been set. Revisions have also been made to the behaviour management system which have been shared using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and the website. Please make sure you have read through them so you can be clear with your child as to our shared expectations. I have talked expectations through with students at our weekly assembly.

Equipment needed to take a full part in lessons (including a clear pencil case for exams) and appropriate uniform will remain a focus for the pastoral team next term. Year 10 have looked really smart for their interview days and have engaged positively with the process. Please can you support me by making sure your child has all they need and the right clothing and footwear at the start of the new term.

Easthampstead Park Community School Ringmead Bracknell Berkshire RG12 8FS Tel: 01344 304567 Fax: 01344 867862 e-mail: Finally, you will have seen the update on the behaviour systems slide show which has been shared on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Please make sure you can fully support your child and maintain communication by signing up to the ClassCharts application. You have been sent your access code.

We return at normal time on the 23 April and it will be a week B. I would like to thank you for your support this term and I wish you a relaxing and happy Easter break.

Yours faithfully

Mr S Puttick

Head of Year 10