Email to all Parents 18.12.2020 13h21
18 December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
School Provision from January 2021
Once again the government have made some announcements regarding school provision from January 2021. At the time of writing, limited information is available, however I can confirm that schools with secondary-age pupils are encouraged to prepare for a phased start back to planned on-site provision in the first week of term to allow for these pupils to be tested ahead of normal schooling resuming. I do not have any details of how the testing will be carried out at this stage.
I can confirm that from January 5 2021, Year 11 will return to school following their normal timetable and timings of the day. Years 12 and 13 will continue to attend school to complete their examination sets pre-planned for this week. They are not required to stay onsite when they do not have an examination and Mr Tamale has already confirmed arrangements and communicated them to sixth formers. Outside of school, they should continue to adhere to local tier restrictions.
All other year groups 7 -10 will follow a remote learning timetable including registration and prep as normal from the 5th January 2021. Local tier restrictions will still apply.
We are able to offer a limited school, within a school for parents whose children are eligible. As teachers will be running remote lessons they will be supervised by the learning support, cover and inclusion team staff during this time. We hope to enable all students who need the provision to be able to access their remote lessons within this arrangement.
This should involve:
Vulnerable children and young people include those who:
1. are assessed as being in need under section 17 of the Children Act 1989, including children and young people who have a child in need plan, a child protection plan or who are a looked-after child
2. have an education, health and care (EHC) plan
3. have been identified as otherwise vulnerable by children’s social care services and who could therefore benefit from continued full-time attendance, this might include:
children and young people on the edge of receiving support from children’s social care services or in
the process of being referred to children’s services
adopted children or children on a special guardianship order
those at risk of becoming NEET (‘not in employment, education or training’)
those living in temporary accommodation
those who are young carers
those who may have difficulty engaging with remote education at home (for example, due to a lack of devices or quiet space to study)
4. The children of critical workers
In order to make suitable provision please can I ask parents of students eligible to alert us to their needs making clear which category their chid is in 1,2 3 or 4.
You should let us know using the school email please be aware that these emails will be read on the 4th January and parents informed about the arrangements on the Monday. The school is closed during the Christmas period.
Once the school bubbles have been set up and places allocated they must be maintained during the week as the Government is wanting to start testing of children.
They have indicated that as many secondary-age pupils and staff as possible being offered 2 lateral flow device tests, starting in the week commencing 4 January, prioritising staff, vulnerable children, the children of critical workers and pupils in years 11 and 13.
I have no details as to how this process can be managed but the Local Authority are trying to support schools. When we know further details and processes, I will let you all know.
The school cannot compel children to be tested but the benefits are clear regarding the security of the schools provision and pupil welfare.
Thank you for reading, I wish you a safe Christmas and look forward to us returning to some normality in the months ahead. Yours faithfully
Liz Cook

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