J:\Whole School\2020-2021\Arrangements EOT3 Remote Learning ltr 5.2.2021.doc
5 February 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
Remote Learning arrangements for Thursday 11 and Friday 12 February
I am writing to inform you about remote learning arrangements for the last two days of this half term,
Thursday 11 and Friday 12 February.
On Thursday 11 February, all students will have a 10-minute virtual wellbeing appointment with their
tutor. Because teachers will be conducting these wellbeing appointments, live online lessons will not be
taking place. Instead, we will set students a menu of subject challenges to complete independently
throughout the day. Further information regarding the subject challenges will be shared with you and
your child early next week.
We will still run live morning PREP and afternoon registration and expect all students to be
present in these sessions. This is important as it is part of our safeguarding responsibility to regularly
check in with students.
On Friday 12 February, am PREP, Period 1, Period 2, and Period 3 will run as normal, as live online
lessons. However, students will not have a lesson Period 4 or pm registration. The school day will
finish at 1.20pm – the end of period 3. This will provide important time for our teachers and support
staff to undertake mandatory safeguarding update training.
Thank you for doing everything possible to support your child with their online lessons, and us as a
school over the past half term. Remote teaching will continue after half term until further notice from the
Government regarding children’s formal return to school.
I do hope you feel your child has benefited from the remote teaching since Christmas, and wish you a
restful half term.
Yours faithfully
Mr M Hall
Deputy Headteacher