14 January 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
Online lessons update for parents
I would like to start by thanking you all for your patience and kind words of support as we have started our online live learning for the students over the past two weeks. Many teachers have been using methods that they have never done before, and your support has been invaluable.
I write to share some information about online lessons and tips to keep you all going. Firstly, I want to be very clear that school closure this time is different to the previous lockdown. We are expecting all pupils to fully engage with home learning and have a range of packages to support you.
Your child must either be:
1. The majority: Logging in from home to remote live lessons via GoogleMeet (4 lessons a day, with follow-up work that needs to be uploaded to the assignments section of Google Classroom)

2. A small number: Attending school and accessing remote learning with support staff (available for critical worker pupils and for those with difficulties accessing at home)

3. An exception: Completing paper based work provided by the school and returning this for marking.

All pupils should be accessing learning for a minimum of 5 hours a day. If they participate in the live lessons and complete the associated assignments set by staff, fully, then they will meet this target easily.
We have seen lots of children accessing lessons, which is fantastic! We now need to work on the children submitting their work and getting feedback from the teachers. Following each lesson, where there has been an assignment or task set, students should submit their work by ‘turning it in’ via Google Classroom. If they have worked on a computer using Google Docs or Microsoft Word, they can upload/share the file they have been working on. If they have been working on paper, they should upload a photograph of their work.
Find attached to this letter a guide to how to ‘turn in’ work via Google Classroom. Ctrl + click here to watch a video walk-through.


I would also appreciate it if you could talk to your child about using the chat facility for learning only and not the sending of multiple emojis! We are trying to ensure that the learning experience is as good as we can make it and our expectations of students remain the same.

To do their best and remember the teacher is in charge of the virtual classroom

Many thanks for your continued support.
Yours faithfully

Mr. M Hall

Deputy Headteacher
Att. Guide to submitting assignments on Google Classroom