5 February 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

GCSE Option Choices; Update for Year 8 Parents and Students
This term has traditionally seen students in Year 8 undertaking discussions about which options to follow in the Year 9 foundation year before commencing GCSE and vocational programmes of study in Years
10 and 11.

What we know about education provision this year and last is that it has not been traditional. Students have not had the opportunity to study subjects across the national curriculum in as much depth or
breadth as we would expect, through no fault of the teachers or the children themselves.

Therefore they are not in a position to make an informed choice of subjects to study. We have reviewed our provision and will now offer them a full national curriculum entitlement in Year 9 and start the options
process in Year 9. Simply put, your child will not make a choice of subjects to study this academic year, the options process will be delayed until this time the following year, in 2022.

I am sure some children may be disappointed by this decision but many parents will be relieved knowing their child will now have the best chance of recovering any lost learning before making the transition to
KS4 examination pathways.
This change of provision will involve staff making significant adjustments to their existing provision so the school will now move to offering option choices in Year 9 from this point onwards as students in lower
years have also been impacted in the same way.

May I take this opportunity to thank you all for the support you are providing for your child in working with us and the school to provide the best experience we can in challenging circumstances. My staff and I
appreciate the challenges of juggling home, family and home learning as many staff are in a similar position themselves. I, like you, hope for better news in the spring and that our children will be able to
return safely to school. I miss them terribly.

Yours faithfully

Mrs L Cook