14 October 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
COVID-19 Remote Learning Overview – October 2020

Thank you for the support and understanding you have shown as we have navigated the first half term with all pupils back in school. It has taken the teachers and pupils some time to adapt to the ‘new normal’ but as a result of everyone’s good will and ‘can do’ mindset, the first term back has in many ways been a real success.

As the first half term draws to a close, I write to detail the provision we have organised to ensure your child is able to continue learning effectively if either they are unable to attend school because they are self-isolating, or if the school has to shut for a period of time to selected pupils or selected year groups.

Click here to view a table detailing 4 possible scenarios, and the remote teaching we will provide for your child in each scenario.

Click here to watch Part 1 of a video presentation in which I talk through the four scenarios.

Click here to watch Part 2 of the video presentation in which I talk through some frequently asked questions.
A written version of these FAQs are also provided on the second page of this letter.

Click here to view the slides from the presentation.

The main tools we will use for delivering online lessons are Google Classroom and GoogleMeet, both of which pupils can access via the ‘login’ button on the school website. Whilst the experience is undoubtedly best on a laptop or desktop computer, Google Classroom and GoogleMeet can also be accessed on any tablet or mobile phone with an internet connection.

Click here here to view a help guide for parents and pupils on how to access online lessons.

Click here to watch a short video on how to join a live lesson.

Click here to watch a short video on how to use the various functions in GoogleMeet.

As a school, we are aware that a small number of families have limited access to technology and as a result, will require paper based alternatives to our online lessons. If in the event of a partial or full school closure you wish for your child to receive paper based work rather than access the online live lessons, please email your child’s Head of Year as soon as possible so we can make arrangements for this.

If you have any further questions about how we will support pupils with learning from home in the event of a partial school closure, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@epschool.org.
We once again thank you for your support.
Yours faithfully

Mr M Hall
Deputy Headteacher

COVID-19 Remote Learning ltr 14.10.2020