Dear Parents/Carers
Changes to online learning for all students, Friday 29 January and Thursday 11 February 2021
Thank you for your hard work supporting your children with accessing online lessons since the start of the spring term. We are writing to inform you of two days in the coming few weeks when your child’s
distance learning will take a slightly different form. These are Friday 29 January and Thursday 11 February.

On each of these days, students will not have live online lessons during Periods 1-4, but instead will be set a series of challenges to complete throughout the school day. On Friday 29 January, these challenges will focus on wellbeing; on Thursday 11 February, they will focus on specific subjects.

On both days, the students will still attend live online PREP and registration sessions, with their tutor at the start and end of each day, as per our normal school day timings. Our teachers have been on a huge learning journey with teaching online, and on Friday 29 January they will receive further training to ensure our online lessons are consistently of the very highest possible quality.

On Thursday 11 February, all students are invited to participate in an individual virtual wellbeing appointment with their tutor. We are expecting all students to attend their appointment and to engage
with this process, parents are also welcome to participate.

The appointment is an opportunity to check their progress with online learning, their wellbeing, and to review the PASS target that has been previously set for them. If the tutor and student feels that a target
has been met then another target will be set. The Heads of Year will share a pre-populated appointment sheet with their year groups and the appointment schedule will be posted in your child’s Tutor Google Classroom. Tutors will inform students of their appointment time.

Students will have their appointment via the Google Meet function so will need to access their emails as their tutor will send them a link to access their appointment. Students do not have to have their
camera on and can just have a conversation with their tutor. However, if they feel comfortable having a conversation with the camera on then they will be invited to turn on the video function by their tutor.
If students are using the video facility then they are asked to be in a quiet environment, away from distractions and dressed appropriately for the appointment. Parents are more than welcome to join the
meeting/phone call.

On Thursday 11 February, we ask that students are monitoring their emails 10 minutes before their appointment time to allow for any staff who are ahead or behind schedule.

Thank you for continuing to support your child with their online learning, and ensuring they are completing all work in their online lessons to the very best of their ability.

Yours faithfully

Miss L Preston  – Head of Discovery School

Mr. S Puttick – Head of Destiny School

Mr. Tamale –  Director of EPCS6


Link to PDF  : 20210126 Changes to online learning for two days ltr 26.1.2021