Last term, several of our year 11 students (then year 10) took part in a reading mentoring scheme which involved them making the trip over to Wooden Hill Primary School to work with year 6 pupils and aid them in gaining confidence through reading. Everyone involved really enjoyed the experience, with year 6 and year 10 students alike having fun every Monday.
To honour their hard work and contribution to the local community, these students have been presented with certificates in the library, as well as a card from the teachers and students at Wooden Hill. EPCS would also like to thank Wooden Hill for their help in arranging the programme and providing space for us to use and looks forward to future collaborations!

As well as this mentoring scheme outside of school, last year also saw the successful implementation of our internal reading mentoring scheme, which pairs year 7 students with year 9s in order to help year 7s boost their reading scores and build their confidence. Our final mentoring group of year 9s moving into year 10 have also been presented with certificates for their hard work and dedication to the role, and their support really has helped their mentees.