Dear Parents/Carers

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in Term 5 and we look forward to returning to a more normal secondary school structure and routine for all students in Term 6. Further details will follow as we are busy confirming changes and preparations in order that students get the most benefit.

It has been a very busy term and as you are aware it is the requirement of all schools to award both A-Level and GCSE students Teacher Assessed Grades this summer. In line with the requirements of the Joint Council of Qualifications and awarding bodies, we have a responsibility as professionals, to ensure that the process is fair and equitable. Teachers are required to collate a wide range of evidence and complete a high standard of internal moderation. This ensures that all Teacher Assessed Grades are awarded without bias, are fair and reflect the students’ ability.

To support this process, students will finish early on the last day of term, Friday 28 May 2021 at 1.20pm, to provide additional time for training and internal quality assurance. Students will attend am PREP/tutor and Periods 1-3 before departing. They will have a slightly extended break time to ensure all students either in receipt of a free school meal, or wishing to buy food from our caterers, have the opportunity to do so.

If the early finish causes a significant issue for any parents, please contact, and we will make arrangements for your child to be supervised independently reading in the school Library until the end of the normal school day, 3.10pm.

I wish you a restful half term break when it comes.

Yours faithfully

Ms C O’Brien
Deputy Headteacher