LetsLocalise, a social initiative, has come up with an innovative solution to this challenge. Surveys show that there is a real desire in local communities beyond pupils’ parents to help their local schools. Up to 60% say they want to contribute with skills, experience, knowledge, and finances.

LetsLocalise uses an easy-to-use digital platform to allow schools to showcase their priority programs. Local people can then volunteer to specific programs, confident that their generosity will make a difference.

Similarly, local businesses can choose how they help, perhaps framing their social investment programs around local schools’ needs or simply making pupils aware of what the world of work is really like.
LetsLocalise is a simple but groundbreaking way of enabling schools to tap into support that they have historically found difficult to access. The service is free of charge to all state schools.

Please register on www.letslocalise.co.uk ​and see how you can help. Importantly, encourage your wider family, friends, and contacts to sign up too. This way, we will not just improve our children’s quality of education; we will also build more vibrant, connected communities.

Once registered you can click on https://www.letslocalise.co.uk/about-school?schoolId=sch108128 to find EPCSchool. Then click on the heart and person next to the logo to like and follow the school. Thereafter please click on “Pledge a minute” or “Pledge a penny” to explore our campaigns.

Thanking you in advance for your kindness.