Covid-19 Update 18 March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers and Staff
As indicated in my previous communication we are now in a position where we can only partially open the school to students tomorrow (the 19th March 2020).

Apologies for any inconvenience this will inevitably cause, staff will be asked to issue work for students in the affected year groups to do using our usual systems the Google environment and ClassCharts. We will review the situation again tomorrow and confirm any further changes.

Year groups that should stay at home 19th March 2020
Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 12

Year groups we will expect to attend school for normal lessons
Year 7, Year 11 and Year 13

Food facilities will be available for students in the main dining hall but options may be reduced due to the
reduced numbers attending the school site.

Thank you for bearing with us we continue to try and support the community as best we can as well as fulfilling our duty of care to our staff.

I am aware that the Secretary of State is to make an address at 5.00pm today however, I want to make you aware of where we stand sooner rather than later.

Yours faithfully
Liz Cook