Uniforms Unite Us: Celebrate the Start of a New School Year!
At KAEP, we aim for students to present themselves in school ready to learn and to wear their uniform correctly, embodying our shared values of ‘Respect and Pride’. If the school has concerns about a student’s uniform, the parent/carer will be contacted as it is their responsibility to ensure that their child is correctly attired for the school environment. Where appropriate, school sanctions will be applied for students in incorrect uniform. All uniform is to be named as the school’s lost property service displays unnamed items for two weeks and, if it is not claimed, garments are washed and sent to our Pre-Loved uniform store.
If there is an emergency with a student’s uniform, a note in the diary is expected along with a resolution date. When we return in September, winter uniform will apply. If students have outgrown their school shoes, please ensure that these are replaced in time. If students are without the correct uniform, we ask that you provide them with a dated and signed note and that the issue is rectified within three days.
You can find our School Uniform Policy on our website.
#KAEPBackToSchool2024 #SchoolUniform #RespectAndPride