Free Yourself from the Frenzy of Phones and Find Focus in Fun Learning !
At KAEP, students in Year 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 must hand their phones in during Roll Call. The phone should be switched off. Students arriving late (after Roll Call) will be expected to hand their phone into Raising Standards for safekeeping. The phone will be collected by the late team when they enter via reception. If a student is late without a valid reason, they will incur a 20-minute late detention to be served the same day after school.
Parents have agreed to these arrangements as part of the home-school agreement, so please do not make any other arrangement with your child. The only exception is made for students who have a medical monitoring device on their phone (currently two students in school). Students experiencing anxiety are advised to take regular breaks from their phone to support their health and well-being. This is not, therefore, a reason for them to keep a phone on their person. If they need support, adults in school are available to help them. Parents wanting to communicate with their child during the school day should do so via the school office.
Students who have a planned appointment, such as a dentist appointment, must let their tutor know. They can collect their phone from the Raising Standards office when they sign out at the Welfare office. When students arrive late to school after having attended an appointment, they should hand their phone in when signing in at the Welfare office.
The Mobile Phone Policy is available on our Website
#KAEPBackToSchool2024 #MobilePhonePolicy #MobileFreeZone