Dear Parents and Carers
Our headteacher, Mrs.Cook is preparing a video message for Parents and Carers about the academy consultation.
This will be communicated on Thursday 28 April 2022.
After the communication of the video, we will provide answers to your questions and responses to the good/ bad additional comments.
We are aware that some parents and carers do not use social media and some are not members of the Parents Group. So to ensure the feedback is visible to all stakeholders it will be communicated on the school website.
We ask that you use the Google form to provide your feedback.
An additional comments section has now been included on the form as well as a” neither for nor against” option on the academy conversion vote.
We would like to assure you that no decisions have been made regarding any Uniform changes. The consultation is used to gather your feedback on the proposed changes to the uniform should we proceed with the academy conversion.
Your feedback is important to us. Thank you for your understanding.
The Governing Board