With reference to the Year 12 End of Term letter, recently sent to you: 

To clarify, current Year 12 students, who will be starting Year 13 in September should start on Monday 5 September, not Friday 2 September.

Y12 End of Summer Term ltr 18.7.2022

18 July 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 12 – End of Summer Term 2022

Firstly, may I take this opportunity to say well done to all of our students in Year 12 who have now officially made it to the halfway point of their Level 3 courses. It has been a great year with lots of events going on, as we slowly returned to a normal way of working in schools. It has been really inspiring to see the students develop their character by getting involved in so many things, both inside and outside school.

Here are some of the highlights of where students have been getting involved with this year:
• Overnight residential trip to Oakwood Climbing Centre
• Visited the Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium for the Higher Education and Apprenticeships Fayre/Fair • The return of our annual Ice Ball
• Visit to Buckinghamshire New University – including subject lectures and a tour
• Afternoon tea with the Great Hollands elderly in support of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations
• Hosting the Subject Awards at the Year 9 Graduation Evening

And of course, a number of students went to Cambodia for 16 days with Challenges Abroad where they had the opportunity to learn about the local culture, history and food as well as teach English in the local school and run workshops for the children.

All of this, and more, has taken place alongside their studies and students have met these challenges with resilience and passion. I look forward to seeing more of this in Year 13.

We now need to turn our attention to university and apprenticeship applications for post-18. Students have already started researching and drafting their statements and CVs for either university courses or for apprenticeships; we will continue with this in September. Please can we encourage you to discuss with your young adult their plans for when they finish Sixth Form.

It is vitally important that all students have a clear progression plan that has been well thought through. This is something they can work on at home, as well as with the staff in school. We find that those students with clear targets for what they need to achieve in Year 13, are more driven, more focused and more hardworking in Year 13. They are invariably the ones who are more successful in the final exams too.

To support this further, we will be inviting all students and parents to a Higher Education and Careers, Parent’s Information Evening in September, details will follow in the new term.

Another step in their journey is navigating their final exams, which are now less than a year away. We will be doing everything we can in school to support your child to achieve their full potential; the rest is up to them. Are they doing everything they could within their subjects? Are they reading around the subject and trying to improve their grade, going beyond the basic curriculum? Have they completed sufficient work experience? Have they completed their personal statement and CV? What about their research for universities and apprenticeships? These are all questions we will be asking them in the new term and we expect that they will be prepared to talk at length about what they have been doing to prepare for life beyond Sixth Form.

Return to school arrangements in September – Friday 2 September
Please ensure students return well-rested and with a positive attitude towards achieving their very best in their final year. All students are expected to ensure they have folders for each of their subjects, which they can store in the Sixth Form area and lockers, as well as a diary to help them be more organised in their day-to-day lives in sixth form. Students should ensure they have all of the equipment they need for their subjects and should not share with other students or expect to borrow resources from teachers. They should also have their own textbooks where possible.

I look forward to seeing you all in September and in the meantime have a great Summer, ready to make the most of your final academic year.

Yours faithfully

Mr R Tamale
Senior Teacher, Director of EPCS6