Our second week of DEAR (drop everything and read) took place this week during period 2 lessons. Miss Hobbs, Literacy Coordinator, visited many lessons to find out what students were reading, asking for recommendations and sharing advice on how to pick your next read!

Teachers were also creative in their approaches to reading. Miss Lees invited students to read with calming background music playing while Mr Stalenhoef provided students in his Year 10 GCSE class with wider reading on ‘An Inspector Calls’ their GCSE modern text. Mr Oates provided an animated reading of his favourite book too – which all helped students to realise that reading can be great fun! You can fit it into your day, every day – whether it’s for ten minutes or for hours.

A huge thank you to everybody who got involved in DEAR week and helped to promote a love of reading around our school. Our library was incredibly busy all week, with many students taking out new books and looking at the new displays Mr Young has created to offer some reading inspiration for all years.