As part of our commitment to supporting students in progressing both academically and socially, we provide students in Discovery with a day of work experience. We have successfully used this model with our Y8s so far and they have done a sterling job answering telephone calls, assisting visitors to the school, accommodating tours, delivering messages and supporting teachers.

We would now like students in Y7 to have a go as the student feedback has been so positive:

  • ‘I felt like a proper adult.’
  • ‘I was complimented and felt that I had more responsibility. I loved working how I wanted.’
  • ‘It teaches skills that we can’t learn in the classroom or at home’
  • ‘I enjoyed it and it has made me for feel more prepared for the future and working in a job.’

You may be aware of the Pixl Edge scheme all of our Y7 students follow. Students are tasked with finding evidence of times when they have shown skills in Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Independence and Communication. This opportunity, to work as part of the Student Services team for the day, enables them to evidence these skills easily. Their records are then saved until Y10 when students are required to write up letters of application for a job and to write a CV.

Students will be made aware of their day of duty tomorrow during their PREP period. They must be responsible for remembering their day, reporting promptly for duty in the library ready to be briefed. In addition, this time, we would like to encourage students to dress professionally for their role – smart trousers, shirt, formal dress… even a suit! As another key aspect of securing a job in interview, we think it is important that students show their enthusiasm through their clothing choices. Uniform is still a smart alternative option should your child struggle with what to wear.