Sixth Form Open Evening 2022

The Sixth Form Open Evening will take place on Thursday 10 November 2022.

Please see below our Sixth Form Virtual Open Evening videos that were filmed in October 2021

There are four videos to view, with presentations on Sixth Form life, opportunities beyond the Sixth Form, the curriculum and a Q&A from current students.


To apply to join King’s Academy Easthampstead Park Sixth Form in September 2023, please either:

1. Print and complete the application form, returning it to the main school office or

2. Complete the electronic application form, using this link:    Application Form

The deadline for applications is Monday 12th December at 9am.


If you have any questions regarding the Sixth Form at King’s Academy Easthampstead Park School, do not hesitate to email:


Mr R Tamale, Director of Sixth Form or
Mr James Clark, Second in Sixth Form
6th form application form

KAEP6 Application Form

We hope you enjoy finding out more about our school and about life in our Sixth Form.

If you have any questions, you can submit them through the link in the yellow box below.