Performing Arts


Exam board – Pearson BTEC
Entry Requirement – Level 2 Performing Arts would be desirable but not essential.

Who Should I contact for more information – Mrs Hill or Miss Sauvage

What does this Course lead to?
The course can lead to entry at university or to a specific Performing Arts College.
Careers include actor, broadcast presenter, dancer, choreographer, therapist in Dance or Drama, makeup artist, production designer for TV, theatre and film, theatre director, theatre manager, front of house, stage manager, cultural arts manager, TIE – Theatre in Education company.

What will I study

The units which are included in Performing Arts are:

  • Performing to an Audience (compulsory)
  • Variety Performance
  • Musical Theatre
  • Developing Physical Theatre
  • Healthy Performer
  • Choreographing Dance
  • Dance Performer
  • Urban Dance
  • Jazz Dance
  • Devising Plays
  • Auditions for Actors
  • TIE – Theatre in Education
  • Script Writing
  • Auditions for Actors
  • Devising plays
  • Contemporary Theatre Performance
  • Approaches to Directing
  • Singing Techniques

You would work on six units: All students would complete Performing to an Audience and then choose five other units depending on whether you are doing Drama, Dance or combined Performing Arts.

What are the benefits of studying this course and what will I gain from it?

You will develop your skills further in Dance, Drama or Musical Theatre, and have the opportunity to study them combined together if you choose to. This will prepare you to apply for Dance, Music, Theatre and Performing Arts at both university and college.

If you are not thinking of taking it beyond sixth form it will give you an interest to follow in your personal life, as well as confidence in presenting ideas, problem solving and creative thinking in your working life.

How will I be assessed

You will be set assignments throughout the two years to complete the units, which consists of both written and performance tasks. These are all marked internally and then sampled by an external moderator. The grades are Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction* and are awarded UCAS points for university entry in the same way as Academic Level 3 courses (A levels).