Business Studies


Exam board – Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business (360 GLH) 601/7159/5
Entry Requirement – GCSE Grade 5 or above in English and Maths. You do not have to have studied business before but you do need an interest in the subject.

Who Should I contact for more information – Ms Dobson

What does this Course lead to?
This course provides a broad introduction to business and gives learners transferable knowledge and skills. The qualification prepares learners for a range of higher education courses, such as a business related degree or for employment in areas such as finance, administration and management.

What will I study

Unit 1: Exploring Business
In this introductory unit, learners study the purposes of different businesses, their structure, the effect of the external environment, and how they need to be dynamic and innovative to survive.

Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign
In this unit learners learn about how a marketing campaign is developed. They explore the different stages that a business goes through when developing its campaign and they develop their own campaign for a given product/service.

Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance
Students study both personal and business finance. They will develop the skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information. They will learn about managing their own finances and preparing business financial statements such as cash flow forecasts, break-even charts and statements of financial position.

Unit 8: Recruitment and Selection Process.
Students study how recruiting the right person is essential to the success of a business. They explore the various selection tools as well as the ethical and legal considerations in the recruitment process. Students are given the opportunity through role play to take part in selection interviews. They will both interview and be interviewed. They will also create the recruitment documentation needed. They will review their performance and evaluate what skills they need to develop, so that they can enhance their employability.

What are the benefits of studying this course and what will I gain from it?

The Extended Certificate is for learners who are interested in learning about the business sector. It provides students with the skills that future employers need such as teamwork; and the skills that higher education requires such as experience of research, extended writing and meeting deadlines. It has been designed in consultation with many big employers in the business world and has the support of universities and professional bodies.

How will I be assessed

Unit 1: Exploring Business
This unit is internally assessed. Students write a report on a business they have researched. 25%

Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign
This is externally assessed. Students will be provided with a case study two weeks prior to their assessment in order to carry out research. They then create a marketing plan. 25%

Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance
This unit is assessed by a two hour external written examination. 33%

Unit 8: Recruitment and Selection Process
This unit is internally assessed. Students investigate the recruitment process in a large business and evaluate their performance as both an interviewer and interviewee. 17%