The Responsibilities and Privileges of School Prefects

  • To always act as role models for other students – being punctual to lessons, demonstrating good behaviour at all times, wearing the uniform correctly and striving to achieve the very best.
  • To uphold the school rules and ensure others are doing the same.
  • To represent all students at Easthampstead Park Community School in promoting the good name of the school in and around school and in the community. Undertaking community projects such as ‘Get Set’ and fundraising half-termly for the school environment fund.
  • To always acknowledge their prefect role and responsibilities by wearing their Prefect Badges
  • To help maintain the smooth running of the school by assuming the following responsibilities:
  1. Completing a twice weekly duty around the school site in a hi-vis jacket, dealing with any incidents by reporting them to the nearest staff member.
  2. Supporting the school by attending public events, acting as an ambassador for the school and politely welcoming or directly visitors.
  3. Supporting the school’s transition projects by leading sessions and showing prospective students how to be a good learner.
  4. To provide a link between students and staff by attending weekly meetings on a Tuesday morning in the Mezzanine to report back.

On completing a year as a prefect, this role counts towards the EPCS Graduate Award.