PSHE (Personal Social Health Education)

KS3 Lead – Miss Ellen Ives        KS4 Lead – Miss Sarah Goad

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) forms an important part of the PSHE programme. The lessons should build upon previous knowledge and be informative and educational, thus enabling students to make informed decisions in the future. We would like to highlight the topics that are being covered in each year group so that you can be prepared for any questions your child may ask at home. Although these lessons are obviously guided by the teacher, sessions are often led by the questioning from students so please be aware that lessons are not limited to solely these topics and other areas may be discussed. Each session will use a variety of resources ranging from books, worksheets, powerpoints, and videos. This part of the course will be covered during the following time frames:

Year 9 will discuss morality and the law surrounding sexual activity as well as discussing STIs and contraception during their lessons in March.

Year 10 will discuss RSE during their lessons between May and July – Understanding the role of intimacy in relationships, what enthusiastic consent looks and feels like, when asking for consent becomes inappropriately pressurising or persuasive and the legal consequences of this. They will also learn about the impacts of pornography on the understanding and expectations surrounding consent and understand how to challenge inaccurate and dangerous messages perpetrated by pornography. 

Year 11 RSE will focus more on changing relationships and family, addressing new challenges that students will face after school. Lessons will look at marriage, parenthood, fertility and pregnancy choices as well as assertive communication in regards to contraception and loss and bereavement. 


RSE Healthy Relationships

Intimacy and Pleasure

To know what enthusiastic consent looks and feels like

To understand how to assess the importance of readiness for intimacy as an individual and as a couple

To be able to explain the role that communication and respect play in healthy relationships and consent


Impacts of Pornography

To know the law relating to pornography and sharing explicit images

To understand the impact pornography can have on people’s understanding and expectations of consent

To be able to challenge inaccurate and dangerous messages perpetuated by pornography, about sexuality, gender, and consent


Expectations, Pressure, Persuasion and Coercion 

To know the law relating to pornography and sharing explicit images

To understand the impact pornography can have on people’s understanding and expectations of consent

To be able to challenge inaccurate and dangerous messages perpetuated by pornography, about sexuality, gender, and consent


RSE Relationship Communication

Personal Values

Assertive Communication

Challenges and Abuse


RSE Families

Committed Relationships and Family Life

Fertility and Pregnancy Choices

Change, Loss, Grief and Bereavement

2024-2025 PSHE Programme of Study

How we assess students

Students are not formally assessed in PSHE however students are encouraged to contribute and actively participate in lessons to gain vital and transferable learning skills.

How to support your child

Parents and carers are encouraged to discuss PSHE topics with their child, to listen to their ideas and help them to develop their understanding.