Computing, Computer Science, Business Studies and Creative iMedia


Head of Department – Ms A Evans

Students will be able to confidently use the computer system that EPCS run and be aware of the functionality of a range of software that we use on the system. They will have a grasp of programming skills in relation to sequencing and logical thinking and will be able to apply their knowledge across a range of curriculum subjects. They will be taught in mixed ability classes and have a range of opportunities to prepare them for options in KS4.

KS3 Computing

Our KS3 Computing curriculum is designed to develop confident, digital citizens who have an enthusiasm for computational thinking and problem solving. The curriculum is designed to familiarise students with the Google Environment and give them opportunities to use a variety of programs for different tasks, thereby increasing their digital literacy. They will experience a range of programming languages in which to demonstrate their creativity in analysing and solving problems. They will recognise that the software and self-management skills learned in their Computing lessons can be transferred to other subjects. This will empower them to use their computational skills across a wide ranging curriculum – to enhance their learning, their confidence and their resilience as digital citizens of the 21st century.

KS4 Computer Science, Business Studies and Creative iMedia

GCSE Computer Science
GCSE in Computer Science is engaging and practical, encouraging creativity and problem solving. It encourages students to develop their understanding and application of the core concepts in computer science. Students also analyse problems in computational terms and devise creative solutions by designing, writing, testing and evaluating programs.

Creative iMedia
Cambridge National qualification in Creative iMedia equips students with the wide range of knowledge and skills needed to work in the creative digital media sector. They start at pre-production and develop their skills through practical assignments as they create final multimedia products

BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Enterprise 

The Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. The main focus is on the knowledge, understanding and skills required to research, plan, pitch and review an enterprise idea.  The qualification enables learners to develop their technical skills, such as market research skills, planning, promotional and financial skills using realistic work scenarios, and personal skills, (such as monitoring own performance, time management and problem solving) through a practical and skills-based approach to learning and assessment.