Head of Department – Mr J Proctor
The design department comprises a number of different subjects operating with the creative curriculum. We encompass the teaching of Art, Photography, Technology, Food and Child Development with a large team of passionate educators offering extensive subject knowledge from KS3 through to KS5. As an ‘Arts Mark’ school, we strive to engage our students in the Arts within all our lessons and develop an understanding of how Art and Design benefits society.
KS3 Design
Year 7
The formal elements of Art
Abstraction linked to Kandinski
Cubism linked to Picasso
Year 8
Pop Art
Year 7
Resistant materials exploring natural forms in different materials. Students will create a wooden key ring and a wooden toy during their studies.
Food technology exploring food preparation,food hygiene and nutrition
Year 8
Steampunk (linked to the Art curriculum)
Creating a mobile phone cradle.
KS4 Design
GCSE Fine Art
Enabling students the opportunity to develop traditional and contemporary Arts practice to explore creative and critical understanding.
GCSE Photography
Enabling students access to Photoshop, analogue and digital photography as a creative problem solving tool.
GCSE 3D Design
A new course for EP designed to enable students opportunity to refine and combine skills learnt in KS3 Art and Technology to produce 3 dimensional sculpture and designs in a workshop context.
BTEC Hospitality and Catering
Enabling students to refine skills learnt in KS3 to produce professionally inspired menus and a deeper understanding of nutritional science.
BTEC Child Development
Allowing students to learn about the principles of child care and development
Design Programme of Study
Extra Curricular Opportunities
The Design department offers a number of educational visits throughout KS3, KS4 and KS5
A trip to a London gallery for year 7 Art students
A trip to the science museum for year 8 Art students
London gallery visits from year 10-13 for students studying Fine Art, Photography and 3D Design.
A trip to Brighton for year 9 Fine art and Photography students A trip to Key Gardens for Year 9 Art and Photography students.
A professional catering visit for year 10 Hospitality and Catering students
A visit for KS5 Fine Art and Photography students to Paris.
The Design department also offer after school opportunities for all year groups:
Year 7 Art club
Year 8 Photography club (to begin in summer term)
Year 7&8 Technology club
Year 7&8 Food club
Years 9-11 after school Fine Art GCSE catch up
Years 9-11 after school Photography GCSE catch up
Years 9-11 after school Graphics GCSE catch up